who did Jesus confront and why?

a vital small group study book

by Rev Dr Ian Robinson, University of Western Australia

St Augustine:
Hope has two beautiful daughters; their names are Anger and Courage. Anger that things are the way they are. Courage to make them the way they ought to be.

Many of us are worried. We live in challenging times. Churches are choosing different methods to recover their impact on the world. Some methods simply repeat the same mistakes that the gospels warn us about and that Jesus got angry about.

Have I become a Pharisee? a Sadducee? Am I going along with the Herodians? Do I stand with today's Samaritans or not?

It is hard to imagine a study more needy in these days. To do this study, you have to be brave enough to be honest in the light of the Bible.  

The topics of the five sessions are:

  1. Pharisees: the hypocrites
  2. Pharisees: the white washed tombs
  3. Sadducees: the controllers
  4. Herodians: the colonisers
  5. Samaritans: the outsiders

GO to the Tall Trees Store to order or if that does not work, email us. 

This is just one of many resources in Makes You Wonder.yolasite.com which help you and yours to engage authentically with your community with faith and respect